Welcome to Dentulu, your all-in-one dental management app. Today, I’m going to show you how to manage accepted payments on Dentulu's dental office platform. It’s quick and easy, so let’s get started!
Step 1: Navigate to App Settings
First, go to App Settings in your Dentulu platform.
Step 2: Access the Accepted Payments feature
Find and click on Accepted Payments under App Settings.
Step 3: Manage Forms of Payment
Add a list of payment methods your office accepts, like credit cards, debit cards, or digital wallets.
Upload images representing each payment method for better visual clarity.
Use the Edit or Delete options to update or remove any outdated payment information.
Step 4: Add Payment Plans or Financing Options
Include details about financing options or payment plans your office offers.
Add the plan name, description, plan link, and an image to give patients all necessary information.
Use the Edit or Delete options to keep this section updated.
Step 5: Manage Membership or Discount Plans
Showcase available membership plans or discount options.
Enter the plan name, description, and a membership link, along with an optional image.
Update this section using the Edit or Delete options as necessary.
Step 6: Update Accepted Insurances
Select accepted insurance providers from a predefined list in the platform.
Add additional descriptions or details about coverage for each accepted insurance plan.
Regularly review and update this list to ensure accuracy.
You’re all set!
That’s how you manage accepted payments in Dentulu's dental office platform. Keeping your payment information up-to-date ensures patients can easily access the financial details they need.
Thanks for watching, and see you next time!