Welcome to Dentulu, your all-in-one tool for managing your dental office!
In this video, we’ll show you how to use the Calendar feature on Dentulu's dental office platform.
The Calendar feature helps dental offices manage their schedules efficiently. You can easily create, view, and track appointments, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations. Plus, it offers great options for both dental practitioners and patients, like syncing with Google Calendar for seamless scheduling.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Step 1:
Click on the Calendar icon in the top navigation bar.
Step 2:
View Appointments:
You can choose different viewing options to see your appointments:
Day View: See all appointments scheduled for a single day.
Week View: Get a weekly overview of all appointments.
List View: See a detailed list of all upcoming appointments.
Today View: Focus on the appointments scheduled just for today.
Step 3:
Create New Appointments:
Click on any available time slot to create a new appointment.
Choose the Provider: Select which provider will handle the appointment.
Assign a Patient: Add the patient's details.
Set the Appointment Type: Choose whether it’s an in-office visit, virtual consultation, emergency, or mobile concierge service.
Step 4:
Check Appointment Details:
Click on any existing appointment to view its details. Here, you can see information like the patient’s name, the provider assigned, and any special notes.
Step 5:
Google Calendar Export:
To keep everything in sync, you can export your Dentulu calendar appointments to Google Calendar. This way, you can have a unified schedule view across all your devices.
And that’s it!
Now you know how to use the Calendar feature to efficiently manage your dental office appointments on Dentulu’s platform.
Thanks for watching!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team or visit our website for more details.